Processing Files

xargs can be used for processing files. We can use the “find” command in combination with xargs to locate files in the specified directory and perform different operations, like deleting them. For example, if we want to delete all files in a specified directory, type the command given below.

find <directory_path> -type f -name "*.bat" | xargs rm


Deleting (.bat) Extension Files

The above command is using the “find” command in combination with “xargs” to locate all files with a “.bat” extension in the specified directory (<directory_path>) and then delete each of those files using the “rm” command.

Running Commands with Confirmation:

xargs also provide option that prompts confirmation before executing any command. For example we are prompting for confirmation before executing the rm command on files with a specific extension. Type the command given below.

find <directory_path> -type f -name "*.txt" | xargs -p rm


Prompting Confirmation

The above command is using “find” to locate files with a “.txt” extension in a specified directory (<directory_path>). It then uses “xargs -p” to interactively prompt for confirmation before executing the “rm” command to remove each of those files. Then, for each file separately, we can answer with “y” (yes) to confirm deletion or “n” (no) to skip deletion.

Calling shell functions with xargs

In Unix and Linux operating systems, the “xargs” command is used to create and execute command lines from standard input. It reads from a given file or the standard input (stdin) and then runs a command for each data item. Xargs is primarily used to convert a list of items into command-line arguments. It is a versatile tool that can be used in various scenarios, including batch processing, file manipulation, and automation of repetitive tasks.

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