How to use Bit Manipulation In Javascript

  • We can use bit manipulation to represent the inclusion or exclusion of each character in the subsequence.
  • Create a function generateSubsequence with one parameter input.
  • Inside the function store the length of the input in variable length. Iterate and check conditions by using for loop and if condition respectively.
  • Here,the value of inputString= “abc”.
  • Then, call the function generateSubsequence with argument inputstring to get output.

Example: This example prints all subsequences of a string in JavaScript using the Bit manipulation method.

function generateSubsequences(input) {
    const subsequences = [];
    const length = input.length;

    for (
        let mask = 0;
        mask < 1 << length;
    ) {
        let currentSubsequence = "";

        for (
            let bit = 0;
            bit < length;
        ) {
            if (mask & (1 << bit)) {
                currentSubsequence +=


    return subsequences;

const inputString = "abc";
const allSubsequences =

  '',   'a',   'b',
  'ab', 'c',   'ac',
  'bc', 'abc'

JavaScript Program to Print all Subsequences of a String

A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting zero or more elements without changing the order of the remaining elements. Subsequences of a string can be found with different methods here, we are using the Recursion method, Iteration method and Bit manipulation method.

Example: The example shows the input string and the corresponding output

Input: 'abc'


Table of Content

  • Method 1: Using Recursion
  • Method 2: Using Iteration
  • Method 3: Using Bit Manipulation
  • Method 4: Using Queue

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