How to useslice_max() function in R Language

This function returns the maximum n rows of the dataframe based on a column 


dataframe %>% slice_max(column, n )

Where dataframe is the input dataframe, the column is the dataframe column where max rows are returned based on this column and n is the number of maximum rows to be returned

Example: R program to filter using slice_max() function


# load the package
# create the dataframe with three columns
# id , department and salary with 8 rows
# display actual  dataframe
# return top 3 maximum rows based on salary 
# column in the dataframe
print(data %>% slice_max(salary, n = 3))
# return top 5 maximum rows based on department 
# column in the dataframe
print(data %>% slice_max(department, n = 5))


Filter or subsetting rows in R using Dplyr

In this article, we are going to filter the rows from dataframe in R programming language using Dplyr package.

Dataframe in use:

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