How to use webpack and babel In React

To setup a react development environment using webpack and babel is a long process and we have to import each package and create setup files ourselves.

We have to create the setup using npm init -y’  command and then import the necessary packages in the folder and then install react using the command.

npm i react react-dom

To install the necessary packages in our project use the command

npm i webpack webpack-cli @babel/core @babel/preset-env@babel/preset-react 
            babel-loader html-webpack-plugin webpack-dev-server --save-dev

P.S.: This tutorial covers only the steps to install the packages. To understand how to configure these packages refer to the Introduction to babel article.

React Environment Setup

To run any React application, we need to first setup a ReactJS Development Environment. In this article, we will show you a step-by-step guide to installing and configuring a working React development environment.

We will discuss the following approaches to setup environment in React.

Table of Content

  • Using create-react-app (CRA command)
  • Using webpack and babel
  • Using Vite build tool

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