Methods for Checking RTI Status

There are several convenient ways to track the progress of your RTI application:

Online Portals to Check RTI Status

Two ways to check RTI Status

  • Central Government RTI Online Portal: The primary portal for RTI applications to central government ministries and departments is You can check the status of your application by entering your registration number, email address, and security code.
  • State Government RTI Portals: Many state governments have their own dedicated RTI portals. For instance, the Uttar Pradesh RTI portal is located at Search online to find the official portal for your state.

Offline Methods to Check RTI Status

Two ways to check RTI Status

  • In Person: You may be able to visit the office of the Public Information Officer (PIO) where you submitted your application and inquire about the status. However, this is usually the least convenient option.
  • By Post: You can send a written request for a status update to the address of the concerned Public Information Officer.

Understanding RTI Status Updates

When you check the status of your RTI application, you may see one of the following updates:

  • Application Under Process: Your application is being examined by the Public Information Officer.
  • Information Provided: The PIO has provided the requested information.
  • Application Transferred: Your application has been transferred to another department or public authority since the information you seek lies with them.
  • Additional Fees Required: Sometimes, there may be additional fees associated with providing large amounts of information or requiring extensive photocopying. You will be notified if such a situation arises.
  • Appeal: If your application is rejected or you haven’t received a satisfactory response, you have the right to file a first appeal.

Note: The standard timeframe for a response to an RTI application is 30 days. If you experience delays or do not receive a satisfactory response within the stipulated time, you have the right to escalate the issue by filing an appeal.

Checking the status of your RTI application is simple and essential for exercising your rights. By using the online or offline methods covered here, you can ensure that you remain informed, and public authorities are held accountable.

Note: The information provided is sourced from various websites and collected data; if discrepancies are identified, kindly reach out to us through comments for prompt correction.

How to Check RTI Status?

The Right to Information Act (RTI) of 2005 is a powerful piece of legislation that empowers Indian citizens to request information from public authorities. This right to information is essential for transparency and accountability in a democratic society. After filing an RTI application, it’s important to be able to track its progress. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to check the status of your RTI application in India.

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