Methods to Set Title on Seaborn Jointplot

Below are the possible approaches to set titles on the Seaborn jointplot in Python:

  1. Using plt.suptitle()
  2. Using ax.set_title()
  3. Using fig.suptitle() after getting the figure

1. Set Title On Seaborn Jointplot Using plt.suptitle()

In this approach, we are using plt.suptitle() from matplotlib to set the title of the Seaborn jointplot. This method places the title above the entire figure, allowing for proper alignment and positioning with the y parameter to adjust the vertical placement.

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = {
    'views': [100, 200, 300, 400, 500],
    'likes': [10, 40, 70, 100, 130]

# Creating a jointplot
joint_plot = sns.jointplot(x='views', y='likes', data=data)

# Adding the title using plt.suptitle()
plt.suptitle('Views vs Likes - w3wiki', y=1.02)


Using plt.suptitle()

2. Set Title On Seaborn Jointplot Using ax.set_title()

In this example, we are using ax_joint.set_title() to set the title directly on the main axis of the Seaborn jointplot and the pad parameter to add space between the title and the plot. We also use plt.tight_layout() and plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) to adjust the layout and prevent the title from overlapping with the plot elements.

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = {
    'views': [100, 200, 300, 400, 500],
    'likes': [10, 40, 70, 100, 130]

# Creating a jointplot with kind='hex' for hexbin plot behavior
joint_plot = sns.jointplot(x='views', y='likes', data=data, kind='hex')

# Adding the title using ax_joint.set_title() and adjusting the subplot parameters
joint_plot.ax_joint.set_title('Views vs Likes - w3wiki (Hexbin)', pad=70)

# Adjusting the layout to ensure the title is not overlapped


Using ax.set_title()

3. Set Title on Seaborn Jointplot Using fig.suptitle()

This method involves using the fig.suptitle() method after obtaining the figure object from the jointplot. This approach is useful when you need more control over the figure-level customizations.

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = sns.load_dataset('tips')
joint = sns.jointplot(data=df, x='tip', y='total_bill', palette='Set2', hue='sex')
# Set axis labels
joint.set_axis_labels('Tip Amount', 'Total Bill')
# Set title
joint.fig.suptitle('Sample Joint Plot in Seaborn', weight='bold', size=18)

# Move the title slightly higher to avoid overlap


Using fig.suptitle()

How To Set Title On Seaborn Jointplot? – Python

Seaborn Jointplot is a powerful tool for visualizing the relationship between two variables along with their marginal distributions. To set a title on a Seaborn jointplot in Python, you can use the fig.suptitle() method. This method is used to add a title to the figure-level object created by the sns.jointplot() function. In this article, we will explore two different approaches to set titles on the seaborn jointplot in Python.

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In this article, we explored different methods to set titles on Seaborn jointplots in Python. By using plt.suptitle(), ax.set_title(), and fig.suptitle(), you can enhance the readability and presentation of your data visualizations. These techniques ensure that your visualizations are clear and informative, making them suitable for presentations and reports....