Microservices Used for Pastebin System Design

Below are the microservices used for Pastebin System Design:

For the better scalability and flexibility of the service, we implemented several microservices in the text storage service. They include User Management which deals with User login and accounts, Text Storage which owns text operations, Access Control to ensure security, Notification for event notification, Search for comprehensive search capabilities, Analytics for system performance tracking , and Content Delivery for effective content delivery.

  • They all work separately, sharing information through APIs, so using, maintaining, or enlarging the specific microservice is less complicated than in a monolith application.
  • This is a microservices architecture, where the system is divided into independent modules ensuring flexibility to accommodate the changes in users’ requirements, while still providing the necessary stability and performance.

Design Text Storage Service like Pastebin

Text Storage Service like Paste Bin lets you easily save and share text online. You can store things like notes, code, or just simple text. You can choose whether you want your stuff to be public or private. It also has cool features like changing how text looks, setting how long it stays online, and keeping a history of changes. Whether you’re sharing code or text, working together, taking notes, or teaching, this service is a great way to manage text online.

Important Topics for Pastebin System Design

  • Requirements Gathering for Pastebin System Design
  • Capacity Estimation for Pastebin System Design
  • High-Level Design for Pastebin System Design
  • Low Level Design for Pastebin System Design
  • Database Design for Pastebin System Design
  • Scalability for Pastebin System Design

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Low-Level Design for Pastebin System Design

User Interface (Web/Mobile App): Allows the user to interact and perform tasks within the framework of the service provided. API Gateway: Serves as a message handler for the client requests and forward them to the right service processes. Load Balancer: It directs incoming network traffic where traffic is thickest, none of the servers is overloaded with more than what it can handle. Auth Service (JWT, OAuth): Its responsible for handling user authentication by using features such as JWT (JSON Web Token) and OAuth. Text Storage Service: Master service that defines its place in creating, responding to, modifying, or erasing text data. Syntax Highlighting Service: Has built-in functionality for placing code snippets and providing the function for syntax highlighting for the content itself. Database (NoSQL/SQL): Text data storage and management engine which also entails metadata for storing and managing the textual data. Cache Layer (Redis/Memcached): Users generally define the configurable cache to offer an in-memory caching layer for optimizing performance by storing popular results. External Services (3rd Party APIs):External Services (3rd Party APIs): Bash as a scripting language also provides optional services for additional features which includes syntax highlighting, URL shortening and many others more. Infrastructure (Servers, Network): The physical layer of the application include devices such the servers hosting the application as well as the networking components . Monitoring Service (Prometheus/Grafana): The categorical task has multiple sub-tasks to perform for ensuring the smooth and healthy running of the system. Logging Service (ELK Stack): Collect logs and review it for diagnosis and to discover issues with Microsoft. product performance. CI/CD Pipeline (Jenkins/GitHub Actions): This creates automation of code integration, testing and deployment among the teams as well as with other applications....

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