Migrating Your Existing Database to PostgreSQL On Your VPS

  • Dump existing data on local system :
  (local_project_env) $ python manage.py dumpdata > dump.json
  • Move the dump.json file from your local system to VPS using either github or secure copy(scp).
  • Run the python shell and remove contentType data :

            (Note: Run the following commands on server’s terminal (ssh))

  (project_env) $ python manage.py shell 
   >>> from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
   >>> ContentType.objects.all().delete()
   >>> quit
  • Load the dump.json file to your database:
  (project_env) $ python manage.py loaddata dump.json

Hosting Your Django Website on a CentOS VPS

Hosting any website/web application on a live server can sometimes become difficult if proper steps are not taken while deploying it. There are mainly 3 different types of hosting:

  1. Shared Hosting – Usually used for small (single page) websites with limited traffic.
  2. VPS Hosting – VPS ( Virtual Private Server ) hosting is used for websites with good amount of content and medium to high traffic.
  3. Dedicated Hosting – This hosting is generally used for large business websites with a lot of content and high traffic.

In this article, we will be discussing mainly about VPS hosting.

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Migrating Your Existing Database to PostgreSQL On Your VPS

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