Modular Architecture Patterns

Modular architecture patterns are design patterns that promote modularity and separation of concerns within software systems. These patterns help organize code into smaller, reusable components or modules, making it easier to understand, develop, and maintain complex applications. Here are some commonly used modular architecture patterns:

  • Layered Architecture: Layered architecture divides the application into layers, with each layer responsible for a specific aspect of functionality. Common layers include presentation/UI layer, business logic layer, and data access layer. This pattern promotes separation of concerns and facilitates scalability and maintainability.
  • Modular Monolith: A modular monolith breaks down the application into smaller, independent modules, each responsible for specific functionality or business domain. Despite being a single codebase, modules are loosely coupled and can be developed, deployed, and maintained independently. This pattern combines the simplicity of a monolithic architecture with the modularity of a modular architecture.
  • Microservices Architecture: Microservices architecture decomposes the application into a set of small, independent services, each responsible for a specific business function. Each service is deployed independently and communicates with other services via lightweight protocols such as HTTP or messaging. This pattern promotes scalability, resilience, and flexibility but adds complexity in terms of deployment and operations.
  • Component-Based Architecture: Component-based architecture organizes the application into reusable, self-contained components, each encapsulating a set of related functionality. Components can be assembled and composed to build larger applications, promoting code reuse and maintainability.

What Is a Modular Monolith?

In System Design, there are two main ways to structure big projects: the “all-in-one” approach called monolithic, and the “building block” approach called modular. But what if we could have the benefits of both? That’s where the modular monolith comes in.

Important Topics for Modular Monolith

  • What is Monolithic Architecture?
  • What are Modular Monoliths?
  • Characteristics of Modular Monoliths
  • Principles of Modular Monoliths
  • Benefits of Modular Monoliths
  • Design Principles of Modular Monoliths
  • Modular Architecture Patterns
  • Frameworks and Libraries for Modular Monoliths
  • Challenges with Modular Monoliths
  • Real-world Examples of companies with Modular Monolith Implementations

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Characteristics of Modular Monoliths

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