Module needed

Qiskit:  Qiskit is an open-source framework for quantum computing. It provides tools for creating and manipulating quantum programs and running them on prototype quantum devices on IBM Q Experience or on simulators on a local computer. Let’s see how we can create a simple Quantum circuit and test it on a real Quantum computer or simulate it in our computer locally.


pip install qiskit

Quantum Teleportation in Python

In this article, we are going to see Quantum teleportation using Python.

How many times have the Rick and Morty episodes have their storylines started through Rick and Morty walking through their portal to some crazy alternate dimension? If it weren’t for the portal, we might not have had everyone’s favorite animated TV show. But have you ever given some thought to how that portal works? That is what we will be talking about today Quantum Teleportation.

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What is the need for Quantum teleportation?

Aside from the fact that it would be completely awesome? Well, as we already know, Quantum Computers are not really similar to Classical computers. One such difference between the two is copying data. If you need to copy off your friend’s assignment, all that you do is that you click on the data and make a copy of it, right? Well, the thing about Quantum bits is that they remain in the Quantum state till they are unobserved. As soon as we observe (or click) on them, they collapse to one of the known states. This is also called the no-cloning theorem. Hence, to copy data on a Quantum Computer, we need the process of Quantum Teleportation. With technological advancements, however, Quantum Teleportation has gone from this to become an application for completely secure transmissions....

The theory behind the algorithm

For simplicity, let’s assume there are two friends, Kartik and Sharanya. Sharanya wants to send some form of Quantum data, possibly a qubit to Kartik. Since she can’t observe what the state of the qubit is due to the no-cloning theorem, she takes the help of the so-called ‘portal’, to transfer the data. So what the portal basically does is, that it creates entanglement between one qubit from Sharanya and one qubit of its own and sends the entangled pair towards Kartik. Then, Kartik would have to perform some actions to remove the entanglement and receive the output....

Module needed

Qiskit:  Qiskit is an open-source framework for quantum computing. It provides tools for creating and manipulating quantum programs and running them on prototype quantum devices on IBM Q Experience or on simulators on a local computer. Let’s see how we can create a simple Quantum circuit and test it on a real Quantum computer or simulate it in our computer locally....

Stepwise implementation

Step 1: Creating the Quantum Circuit on which we will be doing operations....

How does this prove that our algorithm worked?
