Modules Needed

Using imageio library to create animated meteograms, has various functions which allow us to read and write a wide range of image data including animated images. The library can be installed using the command pip. 

Pathlib is a module in Python that provides object API for working with files and directories.


In our kernel, import the meteograms in the folder or directory and give the title to the folder of your choice. Here, the title is “Meteogram”. The imageio library supports all kinds of image formats. To read all the images stored in the folder/directory execute the following command using imread() method which is used to create NumPy array for all the images with RGBA values then the Meteograms are stored in the list image_list. 

Animating the Meteogram by storing the sample Meteogram attachments in a directory and naming the folder as Meteogram, then using imageio package animate or create a GIF for the attachments/images stored inside the directory. Here, we import the imageio library and pathlib module then to check the paths of images i.e image_path that are stored in the Email. 

  • image_path.glob(‘*.png’): glob is the given pattern in the directory ‘source_images’ represented by this path, yields all matching files of any kind. * this pattern means it is recursive globbing.

Syntax: Path.glob(pattern)

  • imageio.imread(file_name): For reading an image from a specified URI we have to use imageio.imread() method. Then this image is appended into the image_list which is then used for writing mages to animate the image (Meteogram)

Syntax: imageio.imread(“filename or path”)


filename/path: Absolute or Relative path of the image file.

Returns: numpy array which comes with a dict of metadata at its meta attribute.



# importing path library from pathlib package
from pathlib import Path
# extracting meteograms by specifying
# path of the folder
image_path = Path('../input/meteogram')
# images from folder is stored in image_list
images = list(image_path.glob('*.png'))
image_list = []
for file_name in images:
  # imread() creating numpy array
  # of every image stored in image_list


The image_list command will display the data in the form of arrays for every meteogram. Now proceeding to create an animated meteogram use mimwrite() method after this the animated meteogram will then be saved in the directory specified by you and is in .gif format. 

imageio.mimwrite(): using this function will write images to a specified file animated_meteogram.gif taken from the image_list

Syntax: imageio.mimwrite(uri, ims, format=None, **kwargs)


uri: a file name or file object. ImageIO will write some images into this file.(e.g: animated_from_images.gif )

ims: a list of image data. Each image data you can read by imageio.imread() function

format: The format of uri, it can be .png, .gif etc



imageio.mimwrite('animated_meteogram.gif', image_list)


After executing the above code animation of the Meteogram will be created and the output is saved in the root directory in the name of animated_meteogram.gif which will then animate the Meteogram. 

Below is the Complete Python Implementation:


# Import imageio packages
# Generate GIF/animation of meteogram
import imageio
from pathlib import Path
image_path = Path('../input/meteogram')
images = list(image_path.glob('*.png'))
# create an array to
# store meteogram images
image_list = []
for file_name in images:
# to verify all images are read
# using this function will write images to a
# specified file animated_meteogram.gif
imageio.mimwrite('animated_meteogram.gif', image_list)


Now let’s execute the python program we’ve written and this will show the animation of the Meteogram we collected by extracting the attachments from the email. In the below video we can see that a GIF file is created which is the animated Meteogram as executed above.

How to create animated meteogram Python?

Meteogram is also known as Meteorogram which is a graphical representation of one or more meteorological variables with respect to time, whether observed or forecast for a particular location.  

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Modules Needed

Using imageio library to create animated meteograms, has various functions which allow us to read and write a wide range of image data including animated images. The library can be installed using the command pip....