MongoDB Collection

A collection is equivalent to an RDBMS table. It store number of documents inside it. Since MongoDB is schema less, collection do not have schemas. We can store any number of documents in single collection and all of them have related purpose.

You can create a collection using the createCollection() database method.

Syntax :



Create Collection Using createCollection() Method

You can also create a collection while inserting document :


Create Collection by Inserting Record Into It.

It will create if not already exists.

To show all the collections use show collections comman

Get all the Collections

MongoDB Terminology

MongoDB is Open Source, Document-oriented, and Schema which means we don’t need to worry about the structure before inserting data into the database. It is a NoSQL database. It stores data in a non-tabular format. Using NoSQL, we can maintain flexible schemas and these schemas can be scaled easily with large amounts of data.

MongoDB was founded in 2007 by Dwight Merriman, Eliot Horowitz, and Kevin Ryan. The first major version of MongoDB, version 1.0, was released in February 2009. The first version of the database was shipped in August 2009.

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Overall, We have also seen that the need of MongoDB and some basic terms which are frequently used in MongoDB to perform operations. We sum each and every terminology with the example also compared the MongoDB terminologies with the RDBMS terminologies. Mongodb is a NoSQL database which is used to handle complex, large and uncomplicated data in very easy way....