Monolithic Architecture Migration Strategies to Microservices

Migrating from a monolithic architecture to a microservices architecture is a complex undertaking that requires careful planning and execution. Here are some common migration strategies:

1. Strangler Fig Pattern

This strategy involves gradually replacing parts of the monolithic application with microservices over time. New features and functionalities are implemented as microservices, while existing functionality is gradually refactored and migrated. This approach allows for a phased migration without disrupting the existing functionality of the application.

2. Decomposition by Business Capability

Identify and decompose the monolithic application into microservices based on business capabilities or domains. Each microservice is responsible for a specific business function or feature, such as user management, product catalog, or payment processing. This approach aligns well with domain-driven design principles and enables teams to focus on specific business areas.

3. Database Decoupling

In many monolithic applications, the database schema is tightly coupled with the application code. Decoupling the database by introducing service-specific databases or using database-per-service patterns can help facilitate the migration to microservices. This allows each microservice to have its own database schema, reducing dependencies and enabling independent development and deployment.

Introduce an API gateway to act as a single entry point for client requests and route them to the appropriate microservices. The API gateway handles cross-cutting concerns such as authentication, authorization, and request routing, providing a unified interface for clients while abstracting the underlying microservices architecture.

Adopt an event-driven architecture to enable asynchronous communication and decouple microservices. Events can be used to trigger actions and propagate changes between microservices, reducing dependencies and improving scalability and resilience.

Monolithic Architecture – System Design

Monolithic architecture, a traditional approach in system design, actually contains all components of an application into a single codebase. This unified structure simplifies development and deployment processes, offering ease of management and tight integration. However, its rigidity poses scalability and maintenance challenges, hindering adaptability to evolving needs.

Important Topics for Monolithic Architecture

  • What is Monolithic Architecture?
  • Importance of Monolithic Systems
  • Characteristics of Monolithic Architecture
  • Key Components of Monolithic Architecture
  • Design Principles of Monolithic Systems
  • Challenges in deploying Monolithic Architecture
  • Scaling Monolithic Systems
  • Best Practices for Monolithic System Design
  • Monolithic Architecture Migration Strategies to Microservices

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