Monolithic vs Microservices architecture

For details on how Microservice Architecture is different from Monolithic architecture, please refer Monolithic vs Microservices architecture.

Monolith vs Microservices – Types of Systems in System Analysis and Design

Analysis of Monolithic and Distributed Systems – Learn System Design

System analysis is the process of gathering the requirements of the system prior to the designing system in order to study the design of our system better so as to decompose the components to work efficiently so that they interact better which is very crucial for our systems.

System design is a systematic process involving phases such as planning, analysis, designing, deploying, and testing phases. Now the firstmost question would be why do analyze the system when we are well versed in the designing of systems. 

Analysis of Monolithic and Distributed Systems – Learn System Design

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Difference between System Design and System Analysis

Parameters System Analysis System Design Definition Process of collecting requirements(functional and non-functional) so as to prose out any business design logic. Process of portraying down business logic for new ones or updating the existing ones Time It takes lesser time than system designing.  It comparatively takes more time than system analysis.  Process It is a comparatively long and simple process. It is a comparatively short and quite complex process.  System Configurations This phase(process) requires a system with higher configurations as we can not compensate while analyzing training sets. This phase(process) can be carried out on a system with low configurations for smaller projects and even bog projects for smaller chunks. Focus In this phase, we focus only on removing errors from an existing model.   In this phase, errors will for sure come but we will handle them at last not right as they are encountering.  Bugs As studied in the above point, programmers get trained for error fixing from the complete project.  As studied in the above point, programmers here only are answerable to errors in a specific part of the structure and dimension parameters.  Screen Also, multiple screens are required for the system analysis phase.  One single big screen is enough for the system designing phase as we do not need multiple simultaneous monitoring. Programmer Knowledge Programmers possess in-depth knowledge of the specific field. Programmers possess strong knowledge of multiple wide-varied field concepts...

Types of Systems in System Analysis and Design

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Monolithic vs Microservices architecture

For details on how Microservice Architecture is different from Monolithic architecture, please refer Monolithic vs Microservices architecture....

Distributed Systems vs Microservices

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Race Conditions in Monolithic and Distributed Systems

Race condition is a bug that arises in systems due to timing mismatch of the execution order of multiple system services which leads to a degree of level of parallelism....