Morphological Image Processing, Compression and Files

These Processing techniques are the important components of digital image processing. The Morphological Image Processing involves the analysis and manipulation of image shape and structure using mathematical techniques which includes function such as dilation, erosion, opening, and closing, that are used to enhance, segment, or extract features from images based on their geometric properties.

The Compression is the techniques used to reduce the size of the digital image file while preserving its quality. This is done by eliminating redundant or irrelevant information from images. The File handling technique is the process of managing, manipulating and storing the image files in the different formats. These techniques has wide range of applications in science, engineering, medicine, and multimedia.

What is morphological image processing?

What are data compression techniques?

Digital Image Processing Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will learn all about Digital Image Processing or DIP which is a subcategory of signal processing that particularly deals with the manipulation of digital images by using a digital computer. It is based on the principle of the I-P-O cycle, where it will take a digital image as an input and process it to get an image as an output.

This free DIP tutorial is designed from basics to advanced level so anyone, from beginners to professionals can easily get all the details of digital image processing. This tutorial includes all the modules like basics, MATLAB GUI, Image conversion, image filtering techniques, histogram equalization, object identification, edge detection in MATLAB, Image extensions, MATLAB built-in functions, array functions, etc.

Table of Content

  • What is Digital Image Processing (DIP)?
  • Working of Digital Image Processing
  • Introduction to DIP (Digital Image Processing)
  • Image Conversion
  • Image Filtering Techniques
  • Histogram Equalization
  • Object Identification and Edge Detection
  • PhotoShop Effects in MATLAB
  • Image Geometry, Optical Illusion and Image Transformation
  • Morphological Image Processing, Compression and Files
  • Image Transformation
  • Image Coding, Comparison and Texture Features
  • Difference Between

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Morphological Image Processing, Compression and Files

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With a clear focus on practical techniques and real-world applications, this digital image processing tutorial equips learners with the essential skills to navigate the complexities of digital image processing seamlessly on the areas MATLAB GUI, Image conversion, image filtering techniques, histogram equalization, object identification, edge detection in MATLAB, Image extensions, MATLAB built-in functions, array functions, etc. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced, embracing the knowledge will undoubtedly elevate your proficiency in digital image processing to new heights. Explore, learn, and unlock the boundless possibilities of digital imagery with this definitive tutorial....

Digital Image Processing – FAQ

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