Most Common Interview Problems on Binary Search

Problem Name

Practice Link to the Problem

Binary Search


Floor in a Sorted Array


First and last occurrences of X


Peak element


Square root of a number


Koko Eating Bananas


Minimum days to make M bouquets


Smallest Divisor


Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days


Aggressive Cows


Allocate minimum number of pages


Median of 2 Sorted Arrays of Different Sizes


How to Identify & Solve Binary Search Problems?

We all know that Binary search is the most efficient search algorithm as of now, and it has multiple applications in the programming domain for the same reason. But very often the problems do not have any information about applying Binary Search or even any hint on using a Searching algorithm altogether. So it becomes very important to have an understanding of how to identify Binary Search Problems, how to solve Binary Search problems and what are the most common interview questions that have a Binary Search solution involved. In this post, we have curated the topics to do just that.

Table of Content

  • What is the Binary Search Technique?
  • Possible Cases of problems and in which Case binary search can be applied or not:
  • How to Identify Binary Search Problems?
  • How to Solve Binary Search Problems?
  • Example to show How to Identify & Solve a Problem using Binary search:
  • Most Common Interview Problems on Binary Search

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What is the Binary Search Technique?

Binary search is a searching technique to search an ordered list of data based on the Divide and Conquer technique which repeatedly divides the search space by half in every iteration....

Possible types of problems and in which type Binary Search can be applied or not:

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How to Identify Binary Search Problems?

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How to Solve Binary Search Problems?

Define a search space by pointers let’s say low to high. Calculate mid value of search space,and check mid value is true or false. Considering above resut figure out where expected answer should lie, In the left half or right half Then update the search space accordingly. Repeat the above steps till there is search space left to search....

Example to show How to Identify & Solve a Problem using Binary search:

Problem Statement : Given an array arr[] of integers and a number x, the task is to find the minimum length of subarray with a sum greater than the given value k....

Most Common Interview Problems on Binary Search
