Most Productive Method to Practice DSA

Let’s Discuss the Most Productive Way and Amazing Schedule to Practice Data Structures and Algorithms Efficiently.

  • First, you should evaluate your priorities and have a clear goal which is why you are preparing for DSA. A clear goal acts as motivation, this motivation will going to help you a lot in your preparation.
  • Then make a schedule and divide your time into slots for practice. One should definitely spend at least 6 hours a day practising programming/ Coding/ Practicing DSA because there is no other way.
  • “Distractions” These should be your biggest enemies if you are focusing then you should keep those distractions far as possible. Like Mobile Phones… you should keep mobile phones away from your side or should keep notifications off.
  • To make every practice slot productive you should be seated in a chair for that you can ensure this thing before starting the practice session make sure you have a water bottle and caffeine drinks like Coffee or Tea. Once you have all of them you are ready to go.
  • One should Practice at least 5-6 DSA problems a day.
  • If you are starting to learn a new concept then you can watch a tutorial on that concept. Make handwritten notes by yourself and then immediately start practising questions on the w3wiki portal.
  • To practice a problem, one should:
    • Read the problem statement briefly and clearly.
    • Think for some time, take your time to get the approach in your mind.
    • First, you should think about the brute force approach and its complexity analysis.
    • Use pen and paper for a dry run.
    • Second, try the optimal solution to approach the solution and its complexity analysis.
    • That’s it now you can move to another problem.

Remember, starting from scratch requires patience and perseverance. Take it one step at a time, and don’t be discouraged by initial difficulties. With dedication and consistent effort, you will gradually build a strong foundation in Data Structures and Algorithms.


Overcoming challenges requires consistent learning, practice, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Engaging in coding challenges, participating in online coding platforms, and seeking feedback from peers or mentors can help improve data structures and algorithm skills over time.

Top Reasons for Failure in Data Structures and Algorithms

Data structures and algorithms are fundamental building blocks in computer science and programming. Failure in understanding, implement, or utilize them effectively can lead to various problems and hinder a programmer’s ability to solve complex problems efficiently.

Let’s Discuss why people face failure while preparing and learning for Data Structures and Algorithms. One thing… You will definitely start learning Data Structures and algorithms with a different mindset and mentality after reading the below Information.

Top Reasons for Failure in Data Structures and Algorithms

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