Mother’s Protection Prestige Cosmetics

Item or Bundle Cost (Platinum)
Mother’s Kiss (Prestige Necromancer) 2,200 Platinum
Mother’s Mercy (Prestige Sorcerer) 2,200 Platinum
Mother’s Warmth (Prestige Barbarian) 2,200 Platinum
Mother’s Whisper (Prestige Rogue) 2,200 Platinum
Mother’s Embrace (Prestige Druid) 2,200 Platinum

Diablo 4 Monetization

Diablo 4 comes with a substantial price tag that has got gamers wondering about its monetization. While Diablo 4 features its share of monetization by allowing players to purchase cosmetic items from the Item Shop that refreshes inventory, with an upcoming Battle Pass and additional account upgrades. Apart from what can be discovered worldwide, Blizzard’s Item Shop provides gamers with additional monetized cosmetics that will help them stand out from the crowd. Here is all you need to know about Diablo 4 monetization.

Earlier, a point of dispute in Diablo’s history was the in-game shop. The fans went on a riot on social media back in 2012 when Diablo 3 was launched as it had an auction house that allowed players to buy articles with real money. The Blizard devs put a statement, “Building on top of the hundreds of armor and weapon styles you can unlock in the game, the Shop serves to offer you even more diverse cosmetic options.”

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