Multiple Dynamic Segments

export function generateStaticParams() {
return [
{ name: 'a', subject: 'english' },
{ name: 'b', subject: 'hindi' },
{ name: 'c', subject: 'maths' },

export default function Page({
}: {
params: { category: string; product: string }
}) {
const { category, product } = params
// ...

In this scenario, the route is app/student/[name]/[subject]/page.tsx, comprising two dynamic segments [name] and [subject]. The generateStaticParams function returns an array of objects, each specifying various combinations of name and subject. As a result, three versions of this page will be statically generated, accessible via URLs like /student/a/english, /student/b/hindi, and /student/c/maths. Inside the Page component, the params object should contain properties for both name and subject, allowing us to extract and utilize these values for further processing.

Next.js Functions: generateStaticParams

generateStaticParams” is a function name or identifier used as a placeholder in the context of NextJS development. It doesn’t represent a built-in or standard function in NextJS itself. Instead, it seems to be a hypothetical function name that could be used to illustrate the process of generating static parameters in a NextJS application.

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The generateStaticParams function allows for the static generation of routes during the build process, when used alongside dynamic route segments, rather than dynamically generating them upon request.”...

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Multiple Dynamic Segments

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Catch-all Dynamic Segment

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What we are going to do

We’re going to build a Next.js application that implements dynamic routing for blog posts. Initially, we’ll fetch the blog post data dynamically from an external API ( Each blog post will have a unique slug in the URL, such as /blog/[slug], where the slug represents the ID of the blog post. We’ll start by setting up dynamic routing to render the blog post content based on the slug parameter in the URL.After successfully implementing dynamic routing, we’ll optimize our application by using static parameter generation. This involves pre-generating the pages for all possible blog post slugs during the build process, improving performance by serving pre-rendered pages instead of fetching data dynamically on each request.To achieve this, we’ll use Next.js’s getStaticPaths and getStaticProps functions. We’ll modify our existing dynamic routing setup to use static parameter generation, ensuring that the blog post pages are pre-rendered at build time. This approach enhances the user experience by reducing loading times and server load, resulting in a faster and more responsive application....