Multiplying the cells

Step 1: Select the Cell

Select the cell which will reflect the output of the multiplied values.

Select the Cell

Step 2: Enter “=” and Enter Operator (*) and Cell Address

As always start with the “=’ sign and enter the operator “*” between the cell references.

Enter the ‘*’ operator >> Enter Cell Reference

Google Sheets: Creating Simple Formulas

Google Sheets is a powerful spreadsheet tool that allows you to create and edit sheets with ease. It also boasts real-time collaboration features, making it perfect for teamwork. But where Sheets truly shines is in its formula capabilities. Formulas can automate calculations, saving you time and effort. This article will teach you how to create basic formulas in Google Sheets, including those for addition, subtraction, multiplication, average, and count.

Table of Content

  • What is Cell Referencing in Google Sheets
  • Using Cell References in Google Sheets
  • How to Create Formulas in Google Sheets
  • Adding the Cells
  • Subtracting the Cells
  • Multiplying the cells
  • How to Perform Calculations by Point Click Method
  • How to Find the Average of Numbers in Google Sheets
  • How to use COUNT Function in Google Sheets
  • Conclusion
  • Google Sheets Formulas – FAQs

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Creating simple formulas in Google Sheets helps you in your lengthy calculations and makes it easier. You can simply create your formulas in Google Sheets by starting with the ‘=’ sign as it indicates that you want to create a formula. There are many formulas used in Google Sheets and some of the basic formulas of Google Sheets are AVERAGE, SUM, COUNT, etc....

Google Sheets Formulas – FAQs

How can I find the minimum value in the range in Google Sheets?...