Names Given by Europeans to Countries of “New World”

Country Origin of Name
America Named after Amerigo Vespucci (1451-1512)
Canada Derived from “kanata,” meaning ‘village’ in Huron-Iroquois language, as heard by Jacques Cartier in 1535
Australia Sixteenth-century term for land in the Great Southern Ocean, with “austral” meaning ‘south’ in Latin
New Zealand Named by Tasman of Holland, who sighted the islands in 1642, with “zee” meaning ‘sea’ in Dutch

Chapter 6: European Imperialism| Class 11 History Notes

While the American empires of Spain and Portugal waned in the seventeenth century, other European powers, including France, Holland, and England, embarked on a trajectory of expansion and colonization across the globe. From the Americas to Africa and Asia, European nations sought to extend their trading activities and establish colonies, ushering in an era of imperialism.

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Chapter 6: European Imperialism- FAQs

What led European powers such as France, Holland, and England to expand their trading activities and establish colonies in the Americas, Africa, and Asia?...