Naruto and Sasuke

The duo of Naruto and Sasuke is the most loved, powerful, and popular one in the whole series. Both are Konoha ninjas. Sasuke always considered Naruto as his rival while Naruto considered him a best friend. Both of them fought alongside to defeat Madara and then Kaguya in the fourth great ninja war. After gaining the power of sage of six paths, both of them became a lot more powerful. After the war, both of them fought against one another in the final Valley, which is one of the most popular and best fights of the series. After the fight, a new inning of their friendship started. Sasuke decided to protect Konoha from the shadow while Naruto served as Hokage.

Top 5 Duo in Naruto

Packed with iconic duos, the globally acclaimed anime Naruto reigns supreme among the Big 3. Stepping into a world of mystical ninjas and jutsu, the series, based on Masashi Kishimoto’s manga, has captivated fans worldwide. Beyond the power of individual characters, these legendary duos fuel the narrative with their bonds of friendship and rivalry. Let’s delve into the top pairings that make Naruto shine!

Top Duo in Naruto

  • Best Duos in Naruto
  • Naruto and Sasuke
  • Madara and Obito
  • Kakashi and Obito
  • Kakashi and Might Guy
  • Itachi and Kisame
  • Conclusion
  • Top Duo in Naruto – FAQs

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Naruto and Sasuke


Madara and Obito

The duo of Naruto and Sasuke is the most loved, powerful, and popular one in the whole series. Both are Konoha ninjas. Sasuke always considered Naruto as his rival while Naruto considered him a best friend. Both of them fought alongside to defeat Madara and then Kaguya in the fourth great ninja war. After gaining the power of sage of six paths, both of them became a lot more powerful. After the war, both of them fought against one another in the final Valley, which is one of the most popular and best fights of the series. After the fight, a new inning of their friendship started. Sasuke decided to protect Konoha from the shadow while Naruto served as Hokage....

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Itachi and Kisame were the strongest duos in the entire Akatsuki. Kisame was called the tailless-tailed beast because of his high chakra reserve, and Itachi, known as a clan killer, was the perfect match for one another. They were the first duo who were introduced to us in the series. Kisame defeated the four-tailed beast alone without any help from Itachi. Itachi was so powerful that even the Akatsuki members feared to lay an eye on the leaf village while he was alive. Kisame had huge respect for Itachi because of his past and his powers....

Top Duo in Naruto – FAQs

Naruto is packed with iconic duos, each bringing a unique dynamic to the story. Naruto and Sasuke are the undisputed most popular duo, with their rivalry pushing them to become the legendary Hokage and shadow protector. Madara and Obito hold the title of most powerful due to their unmatched jutsu in the fourth great ninja war. Other formidable duos include Kakashi and Obito, Kakashi and Guy, and Itachi and Kisame. Remember, teamwork isn’t just about jutsu, but also about the coordination and understanding that make these duos truly strong....