National Bird of United States – Bald Eagle

The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States. It was chosen in 1782, right after America became independent. This bird stands for the country’s strength, freedom, and spirit. You can see its picture on the Great Seal of the United States because it’s a very important symbol. The bald eagle was picked because it only lives in North America, making it special to America.

What Does the Bald Eagle Symbolize?

The bald eagle represents several core American values:

  • Strength and Courage: The bald eagle’s formidable presence and hunting prowess reflect the nation’s strength and resilience.
  • Freedom: Soaring high above the earth, the bald eagle embodies the freedom and independence that are foundational to the American identity.
  • Longevity and Wisdom: With a lifespan that can extend up to 35 years in the wild, the bald eagle symbolizes wisdom and longevity.

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What is the National Animal of USA?

USA has two national animals, the Bald eagle and the American Bison. These both symbolize different meanings. The National Bird of the United States is the Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and the American bison ( bison) is the national animal of USA.

What is the National Animal of USA?

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National Bird of United States – Bald Eagle

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