National Family Health Survey 5 Key Findings

The results are compared to the National Family Health Survey 4 data from 2015-2016.

  • The infant mortality rate per thousand live births has decreased by 35.2 percent.
  • The rate of neonatal mortality has decreased by 24.9 percent per thousand live births.
  • In married women, the use of condoms, capsules, and IUDs has increased from 47 percent to 56.6 percent.
  • Marriages among 20-24-year-old girls fell from 26.8 percent to 23.3 percent.
  • Household health insurance coverage increased from 28.7 percent to 41 percent.
  • In five states, spousal violence has increased: Sikkim, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, and Karnataka.
  • Malnutrition has plummeted, and stunting has increased in 11 of 18 states.
  • Overweight children have increased in 20 states.

National Family Health Survey (NFHS-1 to NFHS-5)

The National Family Health Survey is a massive survey that takes place all over the country and the main goal of this survey is to collect key information about families in India that will help the Ministry of India design policies that will benefit the country’s most backward people groups. The National Family Health Survey began in 1992 and is the first round of the survey. Four additional surveys have been conducted to date, the most recent being the National Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS 5) which began in 2018-2019 but is not finished yet due to the COVID -19 lockdown situations in the country.

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National Family Health Survey 5 Key Findings:

The results are compared to the National Family Health Survey 4 data from 2015-2016....


When we look at the national level, we can see that the infant mortality rate (IMR) and neonatal mortality rate (NMR) have both decreased significantly. Malnutrition, obesity, and insurance coverage, on the other hand, have all increased significantly. Breastfeeding rates among children under the age of six months have increased from 55% to 64%. The primary goal of the survey is to collect critical information about Indian families that will assist the Ministry of India in developing policies that will benefit the country’s most vulnerable people groups. If the Ministry conducts more of these surveys and continues to implement the schemes for the people, India will undoubtedly serve as a model for many other countries....