National Food Security Act 2013: Objective

The National Food Security Act 2013 ensures the good quality and quantity of the food at nominal rates. It ensures food and nutrition security to the human life cycle. Moreover, coming to the ground details of the act it levels up the whole nutritional values of a nation.

National Food Security Act 2013

National Food Security Act 2013: On July 5, 2013, when National Food Security Act, 2013 was passed it leveled up the whole outlook of food security. It shifted the welfare-based approach of food security to one that is oriented around rights. Under the NFSA 2013, the rural population of up to 75% as well as 50% of the urban population are now authorized to receive subsidised food grains as per the Targeted Public Distribution System.

In a nutshell, about two-thirds of the total population is entitled to receive heavily subsidized food grains. The implementation of the NFSA Act, 2013 is all across the nation, which also signifies its importance. Let us learn more!

National Food Security Act 2013

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The National Food Security Act 2013 has the full potential to level up the genre of food security and nutrition. All it’s time to time quality checks on various measures adopted in the implementation of NFSA, 2013. The act has balanced the whole idea of nutrition in India. It has improved the agriculture sector, it has created job opportunities for the labour intensive sectors. Implementing various schemes under this act has leveled up the nutritional quotient and food security of the nation. Though there are certain challenges which are to overcome while adopting the act....

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