National Voters’ Day 2024: History

National Voters’ Day (NVD) is observed every year on January 25 throughout India, marking the establishment of the Election Commission of India (ECI) in 1950. The ECI, functioning as an independent constitutional entity, is entrusted with the responsibility of orchestrating impartial and transparent elections in the largest democracy globally.

Importance of National Voters’ Day

The concept of NVD stems from the understanding that the active involvement of voters is fundamental to the vitality of a robust democracy. In India, characterized by its extensive and diverse populace, there arose a necessity to promote and facilitate voter engagement, particularly among marginalized communities.

Inauguration of the First Voters’ Day

The inaugural celebration of NVD took place in 2011 under the theme “Empowering Our Voters, Strengthening Our Democracy.” Subsequently, this day has been celebrated annually with diverse themes, each underscoring the significance of voter participation and underscoring the role that every citizen plays in shaping the nation’s future.

National Voters’ Day 2024

National Voters’ Day 2024: The President celebrated the 14th National Voters’ Day in New Delhi, honoring State and District officers for outstanding election conduct in 2023. Since 2011, January 25 marks National Voters’ Day, themed ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote For Sure’ in 2024. The Election Commission unveiled initiatives for the 2024 General Elections. With a history of 17 general and 400+ assembly elections, the Election Commission continues to play a vital role in fostering democracy in India.

Table of Content

  • National Voters’ Day 2024
  • National Voters’ Day 2024: Theme
  • National Voters’ Day 2024: History
  • National Voters’ Day 2024: Significance
  • National Voters’ Day 2024: Key Initiatives

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National Voters’ Day 2024: History

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