NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments Chapter 9 Beggar

Think About It

Que 1. Has Lushkoff become a beggar by circumstance or by choice?


Lushkoff was a middle-aged man who used to sing in the Russian choir. He was not a born beggar. Because of his drinking habits, he was removed from the choir. He chose to become a beggar as he did not like to work hard at that stage.

Que 2. What reasons does he give Sergei for telling lies?


Lushkoff says that he was sacked from the Russian choir because of his drinking habits. He used to lie to seek favor from others. Had he told the truth, no one would have helped him or given him money.

Que 3. Is Lushkoff a willing worker? Why, then, does he agree to chop wood for Sergei?


No, he was not a willing worker but was too weak. Due to his alcoholism & his middle age, he had lost his strength & stamina. Because of his pride & shame, he agreed to chop wood as he had been trapped by his own words. So he had no other option but to accept Sergei’s offer.

Que 4. Sergei says, “I am happy that my words have taken effect.” Why does he say so? Is he right in saying this?


Sergei says, “I am happy that my words have taken effect.” He said so because of him, Lushkoff became a notary from being a beggar. This is partly true, but Sergei is not the only one who made Lushkoff become who he is now.

Lushkoff says that he feels obliged to Sergei for showing him the right path & letting him do the work of chopping wood at his home. His transformation is a result of Sergei’s cook, Olga who was the one to chop wood & not him.

Que 5. Lushkoff is earning thirty-five roubles a month. How is he obliged to Sergei for this?


Lushkoff is earning thirty-five roubles a month. He is obliged to Sergei because had he not taken him in, he still would have been a beggar lying about being a teacher or a student. But Sergei helped him get out of this mess by giving him work. He offered to chop wood at his home & later on, sent him to one of his friends to do the job of copying. Lushkoff became a notary because of him.

Que 6. During their conversation, Lushkoff reveals that Sergei’s cook, Olga, is responsible for the positive change in him. How has Olga saved Lushkoff?


Sergei took Lushkoff to his home & gave him the work of chopping wood. He asked his cook, Olga to take him to the wood shed & to let him chop wood. When Lushkoff becomes a notary & accidentally meets Sergei, he tells him that it was, Olga who chopped wood. She felt pity for him & did the chopping herself instead of letting him do it. Lushkoff said that her kindness towards him made him a better person & encouraged him to earn his living.

Talk About It

Que. How can we help beggars/abolish begging?


The whole world can see the nuisance of begging. The number of beggars keeps increasing. Beggars are seen in all public places. It’s like the beggars have turned it into a business. It is a serious problem. Our society & the government should take steps to solve this menace. Education, upliftment & awareness is required. Governments should pass strict laws against begging. Beggars should be given work opportunities. Financial support can be provided to them so that they can set up some work. Beggars can be turned into skilled laborers. The government should only be setting up beggars’ homes but only for the handicapped ones. Begging is a bad practice & obstructs progress. Begging & beggars should be discouraged.

NCERT Solution for Supplementary English Class 9 Chapter 9 The Beggar

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NCERT Solution for Supplementary English Class  9 Chapter  9 

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