2nd Technical Round –

  • The interviewer asked only banking questions, and the interview lasted for only 10 minutes for everyone.
  • Different types of loans.
  • In a personal loan, if a customer is eligible for issuing a loan of 50Lakhs Rupees, will you give it?

Verdict – Not selected for HR Round. (They selected only 2 students for the HR round and kept 2 more on standby, but they were never called as there were only 2 seat opening)

HSBC Technical Interview Experience

It was on-campus, consisted of 3 rounds (2 Technical rounds + 1 HR round)
Total interviewee – 24

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2nd Technical Round –

The interviewer asked only banking questions, and the interview lasted for only 10 minutes for everyone. Different types of loans. In a personal loan, if a customer is eligible for issuing a loan of 50Lakhs Rupees, will you give it?...