Need for Boolean Operators

When more than two expressions are to be evaluated (expression 1, expression 2) so it is done using boolean operators so we need to connect them using Boolean operators like (expression 1, boolean operator, expression 2).

What is Boolean Expression

In this article, we will see what is Boolean Expression.

Before starting with the topic directly lets us see what is a Boolean expression. It is an expression that always yields two values either true or false when evaluated. If the condition is true then it will return true or false and vice versa.

Let’s take one simple example that will clear the concept of Boolean expression so the expression (5>2) i.e. 5 greater than 2 as we can see it is true that means 5 is greater than 2 therefore the result will be true as we can see the expression yields true as value, therefore, it is called Boolean expression.

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