Need of Move Assignment Operator

In C++, objects can manage resources like memory. When we copy an object, it can be quite slow, especially if the object holds a lot of resources. Traditional copy operations create new copies, which can lead to unnecessary memory usage and slow down your program.

This is where move assignment operators come to the rescue. They let one object take over the resources of another, without making extra copies. This can significantly boost performance in scenarios like resizing arrays or returning objects from functions.

In contrast to the copy assignment operator, the end result of the move assignment operator will be a single copy of the source object.

Move Assignment Operator in C++ 11

In C++ programming, we have a feature called the move assignment operator, which was introduced in C++11. It helps us handle objects more efficiently, especially when it comes to managing resources like memory. In this article, we will discuss move assignment operators, when they are useful and called, and how to create user-defined move assignment operators.

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Need of Move Assignment Operator
