Need To Configure Azure Active Directory

Azure AD needs to be configured in order to manage access and authentication to resources and applications in Azure.
A scenario where we need to configire Azure Ad can be that when we create a new user in Microsoft Azure, the default role of this user is User and hence this user can’t perform all the actions that are possible in Azure. But, this user can create his own Azure Acitve Directory to be able to do almost everything in Azure.

How To Configure Azure Active Directory?

Azure Active Directory is a cloud based service provided by Microsoft. It is a identity provider and access management (IAM) service. If you use any of the services like Microsoft 365, Outlook etc. you’re already using Azure AD. When you log into these services, you’re, in fact, logging into Azure AD.

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Need To Configure Azure Active Directory

Azure AD needs to be configured in order to manage access and authentication to resources and applications in Azure.A scenario where we need to configire Azure Ad can be that when we create a new user in Microsoft Azure, the default role of this user is User and hence this user can’t perform all the actions that are possible in Azure. But, this user can create his own Azure Acitve Directory to be able to do almost everything in Azure....

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Step 1: Navigate to your Azure portal and click on Create a Resource option....