Noise Figure

What are some other methods used for measuring the performance of noise in communication systems?

Other than the Noise Figure, we can use the Noise Factor, Signal-noise ratio (SNR), Noise Temperature and intermodulation distortion can be used for characterizing noise performance.

What is the difference between noise figure and noise factor?

The noise factor is the ratio of the output signal-to-noise ratio to the input signal-to-noise ratio. The noise figure is a logarithmic representation of the noise factor, expressed in decibels (dB).

Does temperature affect the noise figure?

Yes, the temperature does impact the noise figure. The noise figure increases as temperature increases making the signal worse with increased noise. This is mainly because the thermal noise is proportional to temperature.

Noise Figure

Often while dealing with signals in electronics and communication systems, we encounter distortion in signals due to noise. Noise is an unwanted disturbance that can attenuate our signal which disrupts making it difficult to study the signals. In this article, we will study the noise figure which is an important instrument used for measuring the quality of signals.

Later, we will understand the work behind calculating the noise figure. Through a diagram, we will also see the formula used for calculating noise figures with a physical understanding of the formula. Some solved examples have been provided to enhance the understanding of readers about the topic. We will look at the advantages, disadvantages, and applications of noise figures in the real world. In the end, we will conclude the article with some frequently asked questions that readers can refer to

Table of Content

  • Noise Figure
  • Working Principle
  • Mathematical Expression
  • Construction
  • Solved Examples
  • Applications
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages

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