Nominal Vs Ordinary Data


Nominal data

Ordinal Data

Nature of Categories

Distinct and Discrete

Discrete and Distinct


No inherent order

Has a clear order or ranking

Numerical Values

No meaningful numerical values

No meaningful numerical values

Analysis Techniques

Frequency counts, percentages, bar charts

Ranking, median, non-parametric tests, ordered bar charts, ordinal regression


Colors, gender, types of animals

School grades, education level, seniority level


Used for classification and grouping based on category

Used for assessing ordered preferences, hierarchy, or rankings

Nominal vs Ordinal Data

Data science revolves around the processing and analysis of data utilizing a range of tools and techniques. In today’s data-driven world, we come across types of data each requiring handling and interpretation. It is important to understand different types of data for proper data analysis and statistical interpretation. The type of data determines the proper statistical methods and operations that should be used. Various data types need different analysis and interpretation methods to draw significant conclusions. In this article we will explore the concept of data, and its significance provide real-world examples, and guide you through ways to work with it.

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Nominal Vs Ordinary Data

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