Non-Determinism Problem in System Design

Non-Determinism refers to situations where multiple outcomes are possible for a given set of inputs or conditions. In other words, the behavior or result of a system is not uniquely determined by its initial state. Non-deterministic systems can exhibit different behaviors or produce different results even when the same inputs are provided.

Non-determinism can arise due to various factors, such as incomplete or ambiguous information, inherent randomness, or complex interactions between components. It poses challenges for traditional deterministic algorithms, as they are designed to produce a single, predictable output for a given input.

Solving Non-Determinism with Blackboard Architecture

The Blackboard Architecture is particularly well-suited for addressing non-deterministic problems by leveraging the collective knowledge and expertise of multiple knowledge sources. But the question now arises How does the Blackboard Pattern actually solve the problem of Non-Determinism? In this post, we will deep dive into the problem of non-determinism, and the methods of solving them using Blackboard Architecture.

Blackboard Architecture

Let us first understand what non-determinism means.

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Non-Determinism Problem in System Design

Non-Determinism refers to situations where multiple outcomes are possible for a given set of inputs or conditions. In other words, the behavior or result of a system is not uniquely determined by its initial state. Non-deterministic systems can exhibit different behaviors or produce different results even when the same inputs are provided....

How does the Blackboard Pattern actually solve the problem of Non-Determinism?

Blackboard Architecture helps mitigate each subprobelm of non-determinism, in the following manner:...


Overall, the blackboard pattern provides a flexible and collaborative approach to problem-solving, enabling the system to effectively handle non-deterministic situations by leveraging the combined expertise and contributions of multiple knowledge sources....