Not Clearing Doubts

Some students lack confidence and are hesitant to ask lecturers questions and clarify their doubts. Furthermore, some students save their questions and concerns for later, expecting their teachers to address them. In contrast, many hopefuls take mock tests but do not analyse their outcomes or identify their flaws. Feel free to approach your mentor with any questions or concerns. Do not save your doubts for later because they will accumulate and may impair your performance.

What are the Common Mistakes While Preparing for IIT JEE?

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is more than simply an exam; it is a journey that countless candidates embark on each year to get admission to prominent engineering institutes in India. The path to passing the JEE is difficult, requiring steadfast focus, smart planning, and avoiding typical traps.

Let’s dive into this blog to know some of the common mistakes students ignore while preparing for IIT JEE.

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Not Sticking to the Timetable

Time management is the most important aspect of student life, and while every student strives to do so, only a few succeed. If you are an IIT-JEE applicant, you must follow a timetable because it allows you to track your progress. Determine your most efficient study hours and create a plan that gives equal time and significance to all three disciplines. Failure to adhere to a deadline will ultimately impede your progress, performance, and score....


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Neglecting Mock Tests and Practice Papers

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Not Clearing Doubts

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Not Seeking Help When Needed

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Getting Nervous

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FAQs-Common Mistakes while Preparing for IIT JEE?

Q. Which is the easiest subject in IIT JEE?...