NULL and Exception Handling

In PL/SQL, a NULL statement can act as a placeholder for the program , indicating that no particular action is needed to perform. When incorporated into exception handling, this NULL statement within the EXCEPTION block signifies that no specific action is required to address a certain error situation.

-- Some operations or code execution

-- Exception handling block
-- Code that might raise an exception
numerator INT := 10;
denominator INT := 0;
result INT;
result := numerator / denominator; -- This line may raise a division by zero exception
-- NULL statement used as a placeholder for no specific action needed
NULL; -- Placeholder: No action required for this specific condition


Within the catch part, the code tries dividing a number where the bottom bit is put to zero, which might cause a ZERO_DIVIDE error.

In case of a ZERO_DIVIDE error, the EXCEPTION WHEN ZERO_DIVIDE THEN part catches it.

Instead of doing anything particular for this issue, the NULL thing is used as a placeholder, showing that nothing needs to be done or planned for this specific error.



PL/SQL NULL Statement

PL/SQL, the Procedural Language/Structured Query Language, is a database programming language utilized for database management in Oracle. Within this language, the Null statement plays a crucial role in enhancing code readability and functionality. This article aims to delve into the significance of the Null statement in PL/SQL, exploring its various applications and benefits.

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In summary, the null statement in PL/SQL serves as a useful tool to enhance code clarity and functionality by acting as a placeholder within subprograms, aiding in flow control. of code, Its flexibility in serving as a placeholder where no specific action is needed makes it a beneficial construct for structuring and maintaining code in a more organized manner. Incorporating the Null statement judiciously can significantly enhance the clarity and maintainability of PL/SQL codebases....