Null Assertion Operator (!)

This approach tells TypeScript that a value will not be null or undefined, overriding its strict type checking. However, it should be used with caution as it can lead to runtime errors if the value is null or undefined.


let myObject: MyType | null = getMyObject();
console.log(myObject!.property); // Using ! to assert that myObject is not null

Example: Calculating XOR of numbers in a range efficiently using Binary Indexed Tree

// Define a type for MyType
type MyType = {
    property: string;

// Function to simulate fetching 
// an object (may return null)
function getMyObject(): MyType | null {
    // Simulating some logic that 
    // may or may not return an object
    const randomNumber = Math.random();
    return randomNumber > 0.5 ? { property: "Hello" } : null;

// Using Null Assertion Operator (!)
let myObject: MyType | null = getMyObject();
// Using ! to assert that myObject is not null


How to fix “object is possibly null” in TypeScript ?

The “object is possibly null” error in TypeScript occurs when the compiler detects a potential null or undefined value for an object or variable. This error is important for ensuring type safety and preventing runtime errors related to null or undefined values.

There are several approaches to fix the object that is possibly null in typescript which are as follows:

Table of Content

  • Null Assertion Operator (!)
  • Optional Chaining (?.)
  • Type Assertion (as Keyword)
  • Using Conditional Checks

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