OA Round

This round consisted of 4 coding questions. The level of the questions was from Medium to Hard. 1 question was Easy.

The OA round was followed by 2 Technical Interview rounds.

Both the Interview Rounds had the same format:

  • Introduction to each other
  • Technical Questions
  • Any questions from our side

Intuit Interview Experience for Summer Internship 2023

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OA Round

This round consisted of 4 coding questions. The level of the questions was from Medium to Hard. 1 question was Easy....

1st Interview Round

Explain briefly about your project or any experience. I had an ML project on my resume, Interviewer was keen to know about the project. We discussed the different steps in the project and talked about Kaggle and had some general conversations about Kaggle. What are some of the disadvantages of using OOPs? OOPs – Polymorphism and its categories with examples. OS – Difference between deadlock and starvation, how to detect and prevent them. DBMS – Normalisation and why is it useful. DBMS – Functional dependency, explain with an example. Other very basic questions from core subjects. DSA – Insertion, deletion, and updation time complexity in unordered_map and ordered_map and the reason why is it so. He then gave me 2 DSA problems and asked me to give the algorithm with optimal Time and Space Complexity. DSA – 1st question was the Next Permutation problem. DSA – 2nd question was a light bulb problem which can be easily done by using the prefix sum....

2nd Interview Round

Explain in detail about your previous experience or your project. Some questions related to Web Development. How can you store user passwords in your application in a database or is it a good idea to save a user’s password? Why did I choose to use NoSQL Database like Firebase over SQL database? What’s the problem with the SQL database? The interviewer then asked me about my previous courses. What does ‘s’ in OOPs stands for? I was given a template of a backend response to a front-end API call. I was supposed to fill that template. I was asked to fill in the header, request body, status, and response in the template. Write a react component that consists of a button clicking which increments the counter. What is a useState hook in React? DSA – Given a tree, give the sequence of nodes in which they will get burnt given the starting node from where the burning starts. In 1 unit of time, all the neighbors of a burnt node will also get burnt. The solution was a simple BFS approach. OS/CN – There are two processes P1 and P2. P1 is running on a router and P2 on a server. P1 writes into a queue and P2 reads from the queue only after a certain amount of data is written by P1. In this scenario of 2 processes, how will you achieve synchronization between these two processes? A question from multiple inheritance....