Object Components


It is used to read or write a value where we can read the value from the object or we can write a value to the object but we can’t update the value in the object



Some actions are performed by this method in the object collection is an object where we can perform many actions with the help of methods like Add, Count, and Remove. The following code is shown to add a value in the collection object using the “Add” method



When an event occurs a function executes called events in the object. Events are like clicking a button, opening a workbook, or activating a worksheet. The following code is shown to display a message by “MsgBox” after an event Workbook_Open() takes place


VBA Objects in Excel

Objects are created from the class. If we take some real-life examples then let’s say a Dog is a class where it has its properties and methods like breed, age, and color whereas we can say Dog1 or Dog2 are objects having different breeds, ages, and colors. We can simply say the object is a grouping of data and functions. In VBA “Collection” is a class where we can create its object using “New” so that we can use its in-built methods like Add, Remove and Count. 

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