Object Modeling

Object Modeling is a method used in computer programming and system design to create a clear and structured representation of real-world entities or concepts as Objects. These objects have specific attributes (characteristics) and behaviors (actions), allowing us to better understand and plan how they interact with a software system.

For example, you’re describing a bicycle:

  • Attributes: You’d list the things that make the bicycle unique, like its color, size, brand, and the number of wheels. For example, My bicycle is blue, medium-sized, a Mountain Rider and has two wheels.
  • Behaviors: You’d also note what the bicycle can do, like to move forward, brake, turn left, and turn right. For instance, My bicycle can go forward when I pedal, and it stops when I squeeze the brakes.

Object Oriented Analysis in Object Oriented Analysis & Design

OOAD is a way of organizing and planning how to build computer programs by thinking in terms of ingredients (which we call objects). Just as you decide what each ingredient does in a recipe, OOAD helps us decide what each part of a computer program should do, how they should work together, and what makes each part special.

Imagine you’re cooking a delicious meal. To make it, you have various ingredients like vegetables, spices, and groceries and each ingredient has a unique role. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) is a bit like cooking, but for creating computer programs and systems.

Important Topics for Object Oriented Analysis

  • Object Modeling
  • Dynamic Modeling
  • Function Modeling
  • Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis
  • Conclusion

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Object Modeling


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