Objectives of Collective Bargaining

1. Remuneration Negotiation: One of the prime objectives of collective bargaining is to negotiate and determine fair wages and benefits for employees.

2. Working Conditions: Collective bargaining aims to improve and establish favorable working conditions, including issues such as working hours, safety standards, and other workplace policies.

3. Employment Terms: It seeks to negotiate and determine employment terms, such as contracts, job security, and grievance procedures, to ensure fairness and stability for workers. or employees.

4. Resolution of Disagreements: Collective bargaining helps in resolving conflicts between employers and employees through negotiations, reducing the likelihood of strikes or other disruptive actions.

5. Rights of the Employees: It focuses on securing and protecting the rights of workers, for example, the right to organize, collectively bargain, and engage in other concerted activities.

6. Productivity and Efficiency: By addressing issues like training, technology adoption, and efficiency improvements, collective bargaining aims to enhance overall productivity within the workplace.

Collective Bargaining: Meaning, Working, Objectives, Types and Examples

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Collective bargaining is the negotiation between an employer and union representatives of employees over wages and benefits. Collective bargaining is a powerful tool for workplace fairness and stability and should be a right for all employees. Collectively, employers and employees state their demands to each other and hear the other side out. Each party then steps back and makes appropriate sacrifices to arrive at an agreement. The written outcome at the end of collective bargaining is called a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), which usually includes employees’ wages, benefits, hours and other terms of employment....

Collective Bargaining- FAQs

What is Collective Bargaining Unit?...