Objectives of Supreme Court Judges

The main and most important objective of the Supreme court is to settle disputes between states, or between state and central government. The supreme court of India is an independent body in our country, which is responsible for settling disputes. They take any kind of center-state disputes or problems into account. The supreme court also has the power to hear appeals from other courts which are lower than it, like the state high courts. They also have the ability to issue write. Another important thing is that they also have the ability to make any law unconstitutional. 

How to Increase Number of Judges of Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of India has 33 Judges who are appointed by the president of India. The number of judges in the Supreme court is not enough to maintain the country’s active cases.  The parliament of India is the only body that can increase the number of Judges in the Supreme court the legislative assembly. It is less likely that the parliament may take action on this matter and increase the number of cases. As the parliament already has a lot of work and pressure. But it is actually necessary to increase the number of judges in our country to make the judiciary more active and operational.

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Objectives of Supreme Court Judges

The main and most important objective of the Supreme court is to settle disputes between states, or between state and central government. The supreme court of India is an independent body in our country, which is responsible for settling disputes. They take any kind of center-state disputes or problems into account. The supreme court also has the power to hear appeals from other courts which are lower than it, like the state high courts. They also have the ability to issue write. Another important thing is that they also have the ability to make any law unconstitutional....

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At last, I would like to say that the constitution of India should increase the number of Judges in the Supreme Court of India as well as in all the courts of India including High Courts and district courts, in order to reduce the number of pending cases. Our legislative of India should also care about our Judiciary so that our country grows quickly. Our Judiciary is as important as our Legislative....


Q1. How Many Pending Cases are there in India?...