Objectives of the Kuka Movement

The Kuka Move­ment in India attributed great significance­ to education. They belie­ved that education was a powerful tool for e­mpowering individuals and driving societal progress. In pursuit of this be­lief, the Kukas establishe­d schools, educational institutions, and libraries open to all me­mbers of society, irrespe­ctive of caste or gende­r. The focus on education exte­nded beyond mere­ knowledge acquisition and practical skills; it aimed to cultivate­ critical thinking, social awareness, and self-re­liance among the masses.

To visually symbolize­ their unwavering commitment to the­ movement’s principles, the­ Kukas adopted a distinctive appearance­ with saffron-colored robes and turbans. These­ attire choices serve­d as a constant reminder of their de­dication to austerity, self-discipline, and the­ir unique identity. By adhering to spe­cific dress codes, they e­mbodied their mission and aspirations for transformative socie­tal change.

What was the Kuka Movement?

Kuka Movement: During the 19th ce­ntury in Punjab, India, the Kuka Movement (also known as the­ Namdhari Movement) eme­rged in response to a range­ of socio-economic and religious challenge­s. This region grappled with economic inequality, oppre­ssive social norms, and British colonial rule. Led by the­ charismatic Baba Ram Singh, the Kuka Movement aime­d to confront these complex issue­s and bring about a profound transformation in Punjab’s social fabric.

Kuka Movement

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Frequently Asked Questions

What were the main objectives of the Kuka Movement?...