One Dimensional Motion

Whenever anyone out of the three coordinate spaces representing the position of the object undergoes any change (shape, speed, distance) with respect to time, then that motion is called one-dimensional motion, or uni-dimensional motion.

Examples of One Dimensional Motion

Examples of One Dimensional Motion are,

  • The motion of a steel block in a straight line,
  • Object freely falling under the effect of gravity.
  • A man walking through a straight lane

What is Motion?

Motion is defined as the change in the position of an object with respect to time i.e. when an object changes its position according to time it is said to be in the state of motion. Everything in the universe is in a state of continuous motion, for example, the moon revolves around the planets, the planets revolve around the sun, the sun revolves around the center of the galaxies, and the galaxies are themselves expanding. Motion is in the syllabus of Class 9 and Class 11. Let’s learn about the motion in physics in detail in this article.

Table of Content

  • What is Motion?
  • How to Identify an Object in Motion?
  • Parameters in Motion
  • Types of Motion
  • Types of Motion as Per Directions
  • Laws of Motion
  • Equations of Motion

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One Dimensional Motion

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Laws of Motion

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FAQs on Motion

1. What is Motion in Physcis?...