Online Services Censored In China

  • Google Services:
    • Search, Maps, and other Google services may be censored.
  • Wikipedia:
    • Access to certain Wikipedia pages may be restricted.
  • Western Online Platforms:
    • Various Western online platforms may face censorship.

Websites Blocked in China

Explore the intricacies of Internet censorship in China with a comprehensive list of Websites blocked in China. Discover Banned social media platforms in China and how to Check if a website is blocked in China.

Websites Blocked in China: The internet is a vast digital landscape connecting people across the globe, but the online experience can differ significantly depending on where you are. Nowhere is this contrast more apparent than in mainland China, where the government enforces one of the most extensive and sophisticated online censorship systems in the world, colloquially known as the “Great Firewall of China.” This virtual barrier restricts access to a multitude of websites, from social media platforms to news outlets, all carefully curated by the Chinese authorities.

Here in this article, we will talk about the List of websites not allowed in China by the Chinese Government, a list of these websites, the reasons for their ban, and how to access these websites in China.

Websites Blocked in China

Table of Content

  • Which websites are blocked in China?
  • List of Websites Blocked in China
  • How To Access Blocked Sites In China
  • VPN For Blocked Websites In China
  • Chinese Great Firewall
  • Blocked International Websites In China
  • China’s Internet Restrictions
  • Popular Apps Banned In China
  • News Websites Blocked In China
  • Online Services Censored In China
  • Testing Website Accessibility In China
  • China’s Banned Website List
  • Why are these websites blocked in China?
  • How to access websites in China?

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How To Access Blocked Sites In China

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VPN For Blocked Websites In China

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Chinese Great Firewall

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Blocked International Websites In China

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News Websites Blocked In China

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Online Services Censored In China

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Testing Website Accessibility In China

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China’s Banned Website List

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Why are these websites blocked in China?

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How to access websites in China?

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List of Websites Blocked in China – FAQs

Are VPN illegal in China?...