
The content: open-quote; CSS property value inserts the appropriate opening quotation mark for the current language into the content of ::before and ::after pseudo-elements.


Element::before|after { 
    content: open-quote;

Example: This example demonstrates the use of the content property where the property value of content is set to open-quote.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title> CSS content Property </title>
        p::before {
            content: open-quote;

    <p>Welcome to w3wiki!</p>



"Welcome to w3wiki!

CSS content Property

The content property is used with the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements, to insert generated content. It allows insertion of text, images, or HTML elements, enhancing design without altering the original HTML structure, thereby providing flexibility in styling and layout.


content: normal|none|counter|attr|string|open-quote|close-quote|

Property Values: All the properties are described well with the example below.

Table of Content

  • normal
  • none
  • initial
  • attribute
  • String
  • open-quote
  • close-quote
  • no-open-quote:
  • no-close-quote
  • inherit

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