Options Available in `df` command in Linux

Options Description
‘-a’ or ‘–all’ Includes pseudo, duplicate, and inaccessible file systems in the output.
‘-B <SIZE>’ or ‘–block-size=<SIZE>’ Scales sizes by SIZE before printing them.
‘-h’ or ‘–human-readable’ Prints sizes in a human-readable format using power of 1024.
‘-H’ or ‘–si’ Prints sizes in a human-readable format using power of 1000.
‘-i’ or ‘–inodes’ Lists inode information instead of block usage.
‘-l’ or ‘–local’ Limits listing to local file systems.
‘-P’ or ‘–portability’ Uses POSIX output format for better portability.
‘–sync’ Invokes sync before getting usage info.
‘–total’ Elides all entries insignificant to available space and produces a grand total.
‘-t <TYPE>’ or ‘–type=<TYPE>’ Limits listing to file systems of type TYPE.
‘-T’ or ‘–print-type’ Prints file system type

df command in Linux with Examples

Ever felt the chilling fear of a “disk full” error message on your Linux machine? Fear not, for the mighty df command stands ready to guide you through the treacherous terrain of disk space management! This article delves deep into the df command, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to navigate your storage with confidence.

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Options Available in `df` command in Linux

Options Description ‘-a’ or ‘–all’ Includes pseudo, duplicate, and inaccessible file systems in the output. ‘-B ’ or ‘–block-size=’ Scales sizes by SIZE before printing them. ‘-h’ or ‘–human-readable’ Prints sizes in a human-readable format using power of 1024. ‘-H’ or ‘–si’ Prints sizes in a human-readable format using power of 1000. ‘-i’ or ‘–inodes’ Lists inode information instead of block usage. ‘-l’ or ‘–local’ Limits listing to local file systems. ‘-P’ or ‘–portability’ Uses POSIX output format for better portability. ‘–sync’ Invokes sync before getting usage info. ‘–total’ Elides all entries insignificant to available space and produces a grand total. ‘-t ’ or ‘–type=’ Limits listing to file systems of type TYPE. ‘-T’ or ‘–print-type’ Prints file system type...

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In this article we have discussed `df` command which is a powerful tool for monitoring disk space usage on Linux System. By understanding its options that we have discussed and using them effectively to get useful information like file system usage, identify potential storage constraints and make informed decisions regarding resource allocation and management....