Options of Docker Commit

The following are the options of docker commit:

Option Description
-a, --author Specifies the author name for the image
-c, --change Applies Dockerfile instructions to the image
-m, --message Specifies a commit message for the image
--pause Pauses the container during commit
-p, --pause-file Pauses the container using a pause file during commit
--platform Sets the platform if not specified in the Dockerfile

Docker Commit

Docker is an open-source container management service and one of the most popular tools of DevOps which is being popular among the deployment team. Docker is mostly used in Agile-based projects which require continuous delivery of the software. The founder, Chief Technical Officer, and Chief Architect Officer of the Docker Open source project is Solomon Hykes. It was launched in 2013 by Dotcloud since then it is the world’s leading software container platform. For more details about containerization using docker and its docker architecture.

How we can create our own customized Docker images and how we can push them to the Docker hub profile? It is good practice to push your images to the docker hub profile as you don’t have to create it again and you can pull those images in your system as well as in the cloud with all your work saved in it. 

Creating docker images is not a tedious task. We can create a docker image easily with a few commands. There are two ways of creating a docker image depending upon the purpose for which you want to create the image. The first method is using the commit command and another method is by using the Dockerfile concept. Know more details about the components of Docker ie, Docker images, and Docker File.

Now let’s start creating our own customized docker image using the commit command. Before going with our own docker image we should first set up and configure docker in our operating system. To learn more about how to set up docker you can refer to how to install docker. After successful installation let’s learn some of the docker commands.

Table of Content

  • What Is Docker Commit?
  • Options of Docker Commit
  • Examples of Docker Commit
  • Docker Commit Vs Docker Push
  • Docker Commits To the Same Image
  • How to Use Docker Commit?
  • Steps for Committing Changes to Docker Image
  • Additional Options for Docker Commit Command
  • Difference between Docker commit and Docker Save
  • When to Commit New Changes to a New Container Image 

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