Ordinary Least Squares Regression Vs Weighted Least Squares Regression


Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Regression

Weighted Least Squares (WLS) Regression


Minimize the sum of squared differences between observed and predicted values.

Minimize the weighted sum of squared differences between observed and predicted values.


Assumes constant variance (homoscedasticity) of errors.

Allows for varying variance (heteroscedasticity) of errors.

Weighting of Observations

Assigns equal weight to each observation.

Assigns weights to observations based on the variance of the error term associated with each observation.


Suitable for datasets with constant variance of errors.

Suitable for datasets with varying variance of errors.


Implemented using the ordinary least squares method.

Implemented using the weighted least squares method.

Model Evaluation

Provides unbiased estimates of coefficients under homoscedasticity.

Provides more accurate estimates of coefficients under heteroscedasticity.


Fit a straight line through data points.

Fit a line that adjusts for varying uncertainty in data points.

Weighted Least Squares Regression in Python

Weighted Least Squares (WLS) regression is a powerful extension of ordinary least squares regression, particularly useful when dealing with data that violates the assumption of constant variance.

In this guide, we will learn brief overview of Weighted Least Squares regression and demonstrate how to implement it in Python using the statsmodels library.

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Ordinary Least Squares Regression Vs Weighted Least Squares Regression

Aspect Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Regression Weighted Least Squares (WLS) Regression Objective Minimize the sum of squared differences between observed and predicted values. Minimize the weighted sum of squared differences between observed and predicted values. Assumption Assumes constant variance (homoscedasticity) of errors. Allows for varying variance (heteroscedasticity) of errors. Weighting of Observations Assigns equal weight to each observation. Assigns weights to observations based on the variance of the error term associated with each observation. Usage Suitable for datasets with constant variance of errors. Suitable for datasets with varying variance of errors. Implementation Implemented using the ordinary least squares method. Implemented using the weighted least squares method. Model Evaluation Provides unbiased estimates of coefficients under homoscedasticity. Provides more accurate estimates of coefficients under heteroscedasticity. Example Fit a straight line through data points. Fit a line that adjusts for varying uncertainty in data points....

Advantages of Weighted Least Squares Regression

Handles Varying Data Uncertainty: WLS regression accommodates data where the uncertainty (variance) changes across observations, providing more accurate results compared to OLS regression.Improved Parameter Estimates: By giving more weight to reliable data points, WLS regression offers more precise estimates of coefficients and standard errors, especially in the presence of heteroscedasticity.Robustness: WLS regression can yield more robust estimates, making it suitable for various fields where data exhibit heteroscedasticity....

Disadvantages of Weighted Least Squares Regression

Need for Correct Weighting: Correctly specifying weights based on error variance is crucial; incorrect weights can lead to biased results.Complexity in Weight Determination: Determining appropriate weights, especially in complex datasets, can be challenging and may require careful consideration.Computational Overhead: Implementing WLS regression may involve additional computational complexity, especially with large datasets or complex weighting schemes.Sensitivity to Outliers: WLS regression, like OLS, can be sensitive to outliers, which may affect estimation accuracy if not properly addressed....


Weighted Least Squares (WLS) regression offers a valuable enhancement to traditional regression methods by accommodating data with varying levels of uncertainty. By assigning weights based on error variance, WLS regression provides more accurate parameter estimates, making it a powerful tool across diverse fields from finance to healthcare....