Other problems based on Sliding Window

Sliding Window Problems | Identify, Solve and Interview Questions

When we are dealing with problems that require checking answers of some ranges in an array, the Sliding window algorithm can be a very powerful technique.

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What are Sliding Window Problems?

Sliding window problems are computational problems in which a fixed/variable-size window is moved through a data structure, typically an array or string, to efficiently process or analyze the continuous subsets of elements. This technique is used to optimize calculations and find patterns, making it a common approach in algorithm design....

Fixed Size Sliding Window

Type 1: Problems where we are generally given a specific size of window ‘K’ in the question itself....

Variable Size Sliding Window Problem

In these sliding window questions we have been asked about the maximum or minimum subarray/substring with some conditions (like having largest sum, smallest sum etc.)...

Other problems based on Sliding Window:

Link for Practice Problems of Sliding Window...